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Reasons to shop from us
Backwater Paddle Company is revolutionizing the paddle sports industry with blade design and paddle versatility.
Home of the legendary Assault Hand Paddles and the full size Assassin Kayak Paddles.
Our patented "hook and teeth" blade design has revolutionized the paddle sport industry. The hook allows for grabbing, pulling and snatching objects, while the teeth provide positive purchase when shoving off or pushing away from obstacles.
The "Assault Hand Paddle" was developed to assist the kayak sportsmen in maneuvering his kayak for proper bait presentation, fish retrieval and adjustments for wind and current. The 22 inch long plastic hand paddle provides excellent reach to the water for maneuverability, as well as enough length to grab onto or shove off obstacles.
The "Assassin Kayak Paddle," the full size brother of the Assault Hand Paddles, provides the paddle sportsman with the ultimate in paddle versatility. Patented blade design, raised graphics and 2 piece adjustable carbon fiber shaft make this one badass paddle every sportsman needs!
"The most versatile paddles ever designed!"
Contact Ed Halm at ed@backwaterpaddles.com or Bill Bragman at bbragman@yakgear.com for more information.